Walk In Truth, Be A Light In The Darkness

Ephesians 4:25 says, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body.” This passage reminds us of the importance of living a life of honesty and transparency as Christians.

The first part of the verse, “put off falsehood,” speaks to the importance of truthfulness. As Christians, we are called to be people of integrity who do not engage in lies or deceit. This means that we should not deceive others through our words or actions. Instead, we should be honest and forthright in our dealings with others.

Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the importance of honesty and truthfulness. For example, Proverbs 12:22 says, “The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” Additionally, Jesus himself declared that he is “the way, the truth, and the life” in John 14:6. Living a life of honesty and transparency is therefore a reflection of our commitment to following Christ and living according to his teachings.

The second part of the verse, “speak truthfully to your neighbour,” instructs us to be honest and transparent in our communication with others. This means that we should not withhold the truth or misrepresent the truth. Instead, we should be honest and transparent in our communication with others.

Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator – Colossians 3:9-10

In James 5:12, we are instructed to let our “yes” be yes and our “no” be no, meaning that we should be direct and truthful in our speech. Additionally, in Colossians 3:9-10, Paul instructs us to “not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Living a life of honesty and transparency is therefore not just about our communication with others, but also a reflection of our own transformation through Christ.

Why is this so important? Because we are all members of one body. As Christians, we are called to live in unity with one another, treating each other with love and respect, even when we disagree or have different perspectives. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul describes how we are all parts of one body, and that each part is essential for the whole to function properly.

Living a life of honesty and transparency helps us to build trust with one another, which is essential for building unity within the body of Christ. When we deceive others, we damage that trust and undermine our ability to work together as a community.

As Christians, we are called to be different. We are called to be a light in the darkness, showing the world the love and truth of Christ.

In a world where lying and deceit are so prevalent, living lives of honesty and transparency can be challenging. But as Christians, we are called to be different. We are called to be a light in the darkness, showing the world the love and truth of Christ.

Living lives of honesty and transparency also means confronting sin and injustice when we see it. We must not remain silent when we see others engaging in deceitful behaviour or perpetuating harm towards others. Instead, we must speak up and take action, in a spirit of love and compassion.

In Micah 6:8, we are instructed to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” Living a life of honesty and transparency is therefore not just about our individual actions, but also about our commitment to justice and mercy in the world around us.

Ultimately, living lives of honesty and transparency is not just about us as individuals. It’s about the larger community of believers, and our witness to the world. When we live in unity with one another, when we speak truthfully and confront sin and injustice, we show the world the love of Christ


Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is a vital aspect of the Christian faith that cannot be ignored. It is essential to note that forgiveness does not mean that we condone the wrong that has been done to us or minimize the impact of the offense. Rather, forgiveness is an act of grace and mercy that we extend to others, just as Christ has extended grace and mercy to us.

When we choose to forgive, we are releasing ourselves from the negative emotions that can hold us captive, such as anger, bitterness, and resentment. These emotions can be toxic, and they can prevent us from experiencing the peace and joy that God intends for us to have. Forgiveness allows us to let go of the hurt and pain and move forward with a renewed sense of hope and freedom.

The Bible offers numerous examples of forgiveness, both from God and from humans. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11-32, we see the father forgive his son for squandering his inheritance and returning home with nothing. Instead of being angry or resentful, the father runs to meet his son and embraces him, welcoming him back into the family with open arms. This story illustrates the power of forgiveness and the joy that comes from being reconciled with others.

Christ’s forgiveness of all sins is the ultimate example of forgiveness in the Christian faith. Through his death and resurrection, Christ made it possible for us to be forgiven and reconciled with God. The Bible explains that Christ died for our sins and that by believing in him, we can receive forgiveness and eternal life (John 3:16).

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

Furthermore, Christ’s forgiveness is not limited to a particular group of people. He forgives all sins, regardless of their magnitude or frequency. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s forgiveness; it is a gift that is freely given to all who believe in Christ. As Christians, we are called to extend this same forgiveness to others, just as Christ has forgiven us.

In conclusion, forgiveness is a crucial aspect of the Christian faith that is essential for our spiritual growth and relationship with God. By forgiving others, we are freeing ourselves from negative emotions and allowing God’s grace and mercy to flow through us. Christ’s forgiveness of our sins makes it possible for us to have a relationship with God, and we should strive to extend this same forgiveness to others. The Bible offers numerous scriptures on forgiveness, and we should meditate on them and allow them to transform our hearts and minds.

Witchcraft, Harry Potter, and satanic practices

Witchcraft, Harry Potter, and satanic practices have long been a topic of controversy in many religious circles. Many Christians believe that these practices are contrary to the teachings of the Bible and should be avoided. In this article, we will explore why witchcraft, Harry Potter, and Satanic practices are wrong from a biblical perspective.

There shall not be found among you anyone who… practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritualist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord. – Deuteronomy 18:10-12


Witchcraft is the practice of using supernatural powers to manipulate or control events, people, or things. This practice has been around for centuries and is often associated with paganism, Wicca, and other neo-pagan religions.

From a biblical perspective, witchcraft is considered a sin. The Bible explicitly prohibits witchcraft in several places. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, it says, “There shall not be found among you anyone who… practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritualist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord.”

Witchcraft is also condemned in Galatians 5:19-21, where it is listed among the works of the flesh, along with adultery, fornication, and idolatry. The Bible teaches that witchcraft is a form of idolatry because it involves the worship of other gods and the use of magic to manipulate the world.

Harry Potter

The Harry Potter series has been the subject of much debate among Christians, with many arguing that it promotes witchcraft and encourages children to practice magic. The books and movies depict a magical world of wizards and witches, and while they are intended to be works of fiction, they can have a negative impact on young minds.

From a biblical perspective, the depiction of magic in Harry Potter is considered to be wrong. The Bible teaches that we should not seek to control the world through magic or supernatural powers. Instead, we should trust in God and his plan for our lives. By portraying magic as a desirable and powerful force, the Harry Potter series may encourage children to seek out magical practices that are not in line with biblical teachings.

Furthermore, the Harry Potter series promotes witchcraft through its portrayal of spells, potions, and other magical practices. The Bible explicitly prohibits witchcraft and warns against the use of magic to manipulate or control the world. By depicting witchcraft as a legitimate form of power, the Harry Potter series may lead children down a dangerous path that is contrary to biblical teachings.

It is important to be aware of the negative impact the Harry Potter franchise may have on young minds. The promotion of witchcraft and the depiction of magic as a desirable and powerful force are not in line with biblical teachings and should be avoided. Instead, we should focus on trusting in God and his plan for our lives, and avoid seeking out supernatural powers that are not of God.

You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. – Exodus 20:3-5

Satanic Practices

Satanic practices are those that involve the worship of Satan or the use of demonic powers to achieve personal gain or control over others. Satanic practices are often associated with black magic, witchcraft, and other occult practices.

From a biblical perspective, Satanic practices are considered to be a sin. The Bible explicitly prohibits the worship of other gods, including Satan. In Exodus 20:3-5, it says, “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them.”

The Bible also teaches that Satan is a liar and a deceiver. In John 8:44, it says, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”


The use of supernatural powers to control events, people, or things goes against the teachings of the Bible, which emphasises the importance of relying on God and his plan for our lives. Moreover, it is vital to recognise that engaging in such practices can have severe consequences that can lead to spiritual and psychological damage, distancing us from God and undermining our well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to be vigilant and refrain from engaging in any activities that go against the values and principles that guide us towards a meaningful, fulfilling and loving relationship with God..

The Prosperity Gospel Scam

The Prosperity Gospel Movement, also known as the Health and Wealth Gospel, is a development in Christianity that emphasizes material blessings as evidence of one’s faith and a sign of God’s favour. This movement has gained significant popularity over the past few decades, particularly in the United States and other developed countries, where it has attracted millions of followers.

However, despite its widespread appeal, the Prosperity Gospel Movement has also been the subject of much criticism and controversy, with many Christian leaders and scholars expressing concern about the theological and ethical implications of this doctrine. One of the most significant concerns is the issue of corruption within the movement, which has been linked to the excessive focus on material wealth and the use of deceptive practices to exploit vulnerable followers.

“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” – Romans 12:9

From a Christian perspective, corruption is fundamentally incompatible with the core values of the faith, which emphasize honesty, integrity, and selflessness. As the Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Romans, “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” (Romans 12:9, ESV). The Prosperity Gospel Movement, however, has been criticized for promoting a distorted view of Christianity that places material blessings above spiritual growth and moral values.

One of the key ways in which corruption has been observed within the Prosperity Gospel Movement is through the use of deceptive practices to manipulate followers into giving money to the church or individual pastors. Many proponents of the movement claim that giving money to the church or pastor is a sign of faith and will result in blessings from God. However, in many cases, the money is not used for charitable purposes or to support the church’s ministry but rather for personal enrichment.

For example, some pastors have been known to use the money for luxury purchases such as private jets, expensive cars, and mansions, while others have been accused of using the money for illicit activities such as gambling and drug use. Such actions are a clear violation of Christian principles of stewardship and accountability, which require pastors and church leaders to use the resources entrusted to them for the benefit of others rather than for personal gain.

Another area of concern within the Prosperity Gospel Movement is the emphasis on individual success and material wealth, which can lead to a lack of concern for social justice and the needs of the poor. This is a significant departure from the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of caring for the least among us and promoting justice and equality.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel Movement has been criticized for promoting a distorted view of suffering and hardship, which is seen as a sign of weakness or lack of faith rather than an opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation. This view is not only contrary to biblical teaching but also harmful to individuals who may feel shame or guilt for experiencing difficulties in their lives.

In conclusion, the issue of corruption within the Prosperity Gospel Movement is a significant concern for Christians who value honesty, integrity, and social justice. While there may be some legitimate aspects of the movement, such as the emphasis on faith and the power of prayer, the excessive focus on material wealth and the use of deceptive practices to exploit vulnerable followers is incompatible with the core values of Christianity. As such, it is essential for Christian leaders and scholars to continue to engage in critical dialogue and reflection on the theological and ethical implications of this movement and to work towards promoting a more authentic and transformative expression of the faith.

Empire vs Kingdom

Empire building and kingdom building are two distinct concepts that have been used interchangeably throughout history, but they have different meanings, especially when viewed from a Christian perspective. In essence, empire building is a quest for power and domination, while kingdom building is a quest for justice, love, and righteousness.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between empire building and kingdom building from a Christian perspective.

Empire building, as the name implies, is the pursuit of power, wealth, and influence at any cost. It is the desire to create a vast, dominant, and centralized system of governance that controls every aspect of society. Empires are often built through conquest, colonization, and subjugation of weaker nations and peoples. They are characterized by authoritarian rule, centralized power, and a disregard for individual liberties and freedoms.

It is the desire to create a society that reflects the values and principles of the kingdom of God.

Kingdom building, on the other hand, is the pursuit of justice, love, and righteousness. It is the desire to create a society that reflects the values and principles of the kingdom of God. Kingdom building is based on the belief that God’s kingdom is not of this world, and that we are called to work towards its establishment here on earth. It is characterized by selfless service, love, compassion, and a commitment to social justice.

From a Christian perspective, there are several key differences between empire building and kingdom building. Firstly, empire building is driven by a desire for power and control, while kingdom building is driven by a desire to serve and love others. Jesus himself exemplified the principles of kingdom building when he said, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35).

“Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all” – Mark 9:35

Secondly, empire building is often characterized by violence and oppression, while kingdom building is characterized by peace and justice. The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). Kingdom builders seek to promote peace, justice, and equality for all, while empire builders seek to maintain their power and control at all costs, even if it means exploiting and oppressing others.

Thirdly, empire building is often motivated by selfish ambition, while kingdom building is motivated by love for God and others. The Apostle Paul writes, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Kingdom builders seek to love and serve others, even if it means sacrificing their own interests and desires.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” – Philippians 2:3

In conclusion, empire building and kingdom building are two distinct concepts that have different meanings, especially when viewed from a Christian perspective. While empire building is characterized by a desire for power, control, and domination, kingdom building is characterized by a desire for justice, love, and righteousness. As Christians, we are called to be kingdom builders, working towards the establishment of God’s kingdom here on earth, through selfless service, love, and compassion.

Don’t Give up….. It’s Not Over!

As some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of activity and development here at Manna Central and right from the get go I would like to apologise for that.

When Manna Central launched I reached out to fellow Christians and various Christian organisations for help and assistance in providing content and resources that we could make available for visitors to the website, things however did not go according to plan.

Unfortunately I was met with a lot of negativity, in some cases even hostility, and on occasion even silence from those I reached out to.

Then there were the financial problems, I had not realised just how much financially was needed to not only meet the basic costs of running the website but also the costs involved in developing it further.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not totally financially naïve, I had the basic website costs covered for 2 years but even so, with the current cost of living crisis and other issues, I just did not have the finances in place to develop Manna Central as I had hoped.

Given all of this my mental health took a battering and I started to doubt what I had started in Manna Central, I began to doubt myself and sadly I began to doubt God.

I had all of these doubts and I could not understand how I had got things so wrong, it got to a point where I was ready to just give up, not just on Manna Central, but life in general….. I had simply just had enough.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5 NIV

A couple of weeks ago though something changed, something shifted in me and I felt compelled to go along to a meeting that was being co-hosted by a friend of mine and God was surely at work because whilst there the speaker delivered a message that spoke directly to me.

Even though I wanted to give up because of the situation and trials I was facing I got a sense of don’t give up!

Despite things not going to plan, and no matter what the situation looked like, God is at work in my life.

Things are not over until God says it is over!

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. – Matthew 17:20 NIV

Although it seemed to me there was this massive mountain towering over me, that I stood no chance surmounting, I was reminded that what I should have been doing was telling that mountain about my God!

So in closing I would just like to ask you to please hold the work of Manna Central and I in your prayers, and that I will have the discernment and wisdom to hear Gods will.

May the Lord bless each and every one of you.