Don’t Give up….. It’s Not Over!

As some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of activity and development here at Manna Central and right from the get go I would like to apologise for that.

When Manna Central launched I reached out to fellow Christians and various Christian organisations for help and assistance in providing content and resources that we could make available for visitors to the website, things however did not go according to plan.

Unfortunately I was met with a lot of negativity, in some cases even hostility, and on occasion even silence from those I reached out to.

Then there were the financial problems, I had not realised just how much financially was needed to not only meet the basic costs of running the website but also the costs involved in developing it further.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not totally financially naïve, I had the basic website costs covered for 2 years but even so, with the current cost of living crisis and other issues, I just did not have the finances in place to develop Manna Central as I had hoped.

Given all of this my mental health took a battering and I started to doubt what I had started in Manna Central, I began to doubt myself and sadly I began to doubt God.

I had all of these doubts and I could not understand how I had got things so wrong, it got to a point where I was ready to just give up, not just on Manna Central, but life in general….. I had simply just had enough.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5 NIV

A couple of weeks ago though something changed, something shifted in me and I felt compelled to go along to a meeting that was being co-hosted by a friend of mine and God was surely at work because whilst there the speaker delivered a message that spoke directly to me.

Even though I wanted to give up because of the situation and trials I was facing I got a sense of don’t give up!

Despite things not going to plan, and no matter what the situation looked like, God is at work in my life.

Things are not over until God says it is over!

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. – Matthew 17:20 NIV

Although it seemed to me there was this massive mountain towering over me, that I stood no chance surmounting, I was reminded that what I should have been doing was telling that mountain about my God!

So in closing I would just like to ask you to please hold the work of Manna Central and I in your prayers, and that I will have the discernment and wisdom to hear Gods will.

May the Lord bless each and every one of you.